Monday, 12 December 2011

NAL Recruitment 2012 – Online Apply for Technical Asst & Officer Vacancies

NAL Recruitment 2012 – Online Apply for Technical Asst & Officer Vacancies: National Aerospace Laboratories (N.A.L.) is a premier research laboratory under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has given a recruitment notification for the recruitment of Technical Assistant and Technical Officer Posts. The eligible and dynamic candidates can apply through online application mode on or before 31/12/2011. The information about age limit, educational qualification, no of posts, how to apply, application fee, selection process, and other details of NAL Recruitment 2012 is mentioned below…

NAL Vacancy Details:
Total no of Posts: 33 Posts
Name of the Posts:
1. Technical Assistant: 27 Posts
2. Technical Officer: 01 Post
3. Senior Technical Officer: 03 Posts
4. Lady Medical Officer: 01 Post
5. Senior Technical Officer – II: 01 Post
Age Limit: Candidates are requested to see the advertisement for more details about age limit.
Educational Qualification: Candidates see the advertisement for more details regarding educational qualification.
Application Fee: Candidates pay the application fee Rs-100/- in the form of Demand Draft valid for a period of 6 months drawn in the name of The Director, N.A.L. and payable at Bangalore. No fee for SC, ST, PWD, and regular employees of CSIR.
Selection Process: The method of selection is based on Test/Interview.
How to Apply: The eligible candidates may apply through online application mode from NAL website on or before 31/12/2011. After submission of online application candidates take a print out of submitted online application and send it along with recent passport size photograph, Application Fee, copies of necessary Certificates should be sent in a sealed cover super scribing the application for the post of, post code, Advt No to the following address the senior Controller of Administration, National Aerospace Laboratories, P.B.No.1779, HAL Airport Road, Kodihalli, Bangalore – 560017, Karnataka on or before 31/12/2011.
Last Date for Online Applying: 31/12/2011
For more details of age limit, educational qualification, how to apply, no of vacancies, selection process, application fee and other details of NAL Recruitment 2012 is mentioned at the link given below…

Click here for NAL Advt Details

Click here for Online Application