Monday, 12 December 2011

MPPGCL 364 Executive Trainee, Plant Assistant Recruitment 2011

Madhya Pradesh Power Generating Company Limited (MPPGCL) Invites Applications For 355 Posts Of Executive Trainees And Plant Assistants. MPPGCL Announce Notification For 186 Executive Trainee, 19 Accounts Officer, 24 Shift Chemist and 135 Plant Assistant (ITI) Trainee. Candidates Can Download The Application Form Here.

WBPSC Surveyor, Draftsman Recruitment 2011

West Bengal Public Service Commission Invites Applications For Various Posts Of Surveyor, Draftsman, Wardmaster, Tracer ,Technical Assistant And Computer Assistant Under The Transport Department. Candidates Can Download The Application Form And Apply For Vacant Seats. Candidates Must Fulfil The Essential Qualification To Fill The Application Form.

RPSC 2nd Grade Teacher GK,Science,SS Answer Key (December 2011 Exam)

Rajasthan Public Service Commission 2nd Grade Teachers Exam Was Held From 7-12-2011 To 10-12-2011. RPSC 2nd Grade Teachers GK, Science, Social Science (SS), Hindi, English, Maths All Subjects Answer Key Will Available Here Shortly. All Subjects Solutions / Solved Papers Available Here Shortly. Candidats Can Discuss Here For December 2011 Exam Answer Key / Cut Off.

RPSC ANSWER KEY December 2011 Second Grade Teachers Exam (All Subjects)

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC) Held The Second Grade Teachers Exam For Various Vacant Post Of Teachers In Rajasthan. More Than 7 Lac Candidates Were Appeared In This Exam. Rpsc Answer Key / Solutions Will Publish Here Shortly. Candidates Can Discuss Here For Their Questions. All Subjects GK, Social Science, Science, English , Hindi, Maths Answer Key Will Available Here.

SSA DELHI TGT RECRUITMENT 2011-Apply Online, Result

Sarva Shiksha Abhiyan (SSA), Delhi Invites Application For 3761 Training Graduate Teacher For Various Subjects. Candidate Must Have A Graduation Degree And B.ed To Apply For This Exam. Candidates Can Apply Online At The Official Website Of SSA Delhi.

IBPS CWE PO Exam Results Declared

Common Written Exam (CWE) for recruitment of PO’s and Management Trainee in 19 nationalized banks are published today. Results are declared in morning and it’s available for every one to check.
Candidates need to enter their Registration Number with password or If they remember they can use Roll Number with date of Birth to view the results. Currently IBPS is only showing whether candidates are pass or fail overall.

RPSC Ajmer Sub Inspector Recruitment

Rajasthan Public Service Commission (RPSC)
Main detail about RPSC Ajmer Recruitment
Motor Vehicle Sub Inspector Examination 2011

MPPTCL Jabalpur Recruitment – Dy. Director (Finance & Account) and Executive Trainee (Accounts)

MPPTCL Jabalpur Recruitment: M.P. Power Transmission Company Limited (MPTRANSCO – MPPTCL) Jabalpur has given a detail advertisement for the recruitment of Dy. Director (Finance & Account) and Executive Trainee (Accounts).  Candidates applying for the following positions should have all the basic qualification as mentioned in the main advertisement at So, candidates fulfilling the requisite criterion should go for the opportunity to get the position in the Company. They regularly open the recruitment every year. This time they are going to recruit Dy. Director (Finance & Account) and Executive Trainee (Accounts).

NAL Bangalore Recruitment – Technical Officer/Assistant and Medical Officers

National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) Bangalore is going to recruit Technical and Medical Officers in bangalore as per the rules and regulation given in the main notification. NAL Bangalore is a reputed Laboratory in India. We are giving there the main detail of the notification/advertisement so that you can see your eligibility criteria to apply for the posts. The detail which you required like qualification, age limit, no. of vacancies, procedure to apply is given below. You don’t need to read full notification. If you are not eligible for the posts/jobs/vacancies/recruitment, you can search the website or particular category for opening government jobs. If you have passed the eligibility criteria as per the main detail, you must see the main advertisement given by the NAL Bangalore to see the rules, regulation and law applicable in this regard. The main advertisement/notification no. can be seen at

Technical vacancies for professionals in National Aerospace Laboratories

National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL) is inviting applications  from bright and highly motivated Technical Staff .  NAL a premier research laboratory under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) :

ACTREC Recruitment 2012 – Various Vacancies

ACTREC Recruitment 2012 – Various Vacancies: Advanced Centre for Treatment, Research, and Education in Cancer – ACTREC, Tata Memorial Centre has advertised a recruitment notification for the recruitment of Various Vacancies. The eligible candidates can apply through prescribed application format given in the advertisement on or before 31/12/2011. The information about age limit, educational qualification, no of posts, how to apply, application fee, and other details of ACTREC Recruitment 2012 is mentioned below…

IOCL Careers 2012 – Online Apply for Junior Engineering Assistant vacancies at Panipat

IOCL Careers 2012 – Online Apply for Junior Engineering Assistant vacancies at Panipat: Indian Oil Corporation Limited – IOCL, Panipat Refinery & Petrochemical Complex has given a recruitment notification for the recruitment of Junior Engineering Assistant vacancies. The eligible candidates can apply through online application mode from 09/12/2011 to 23/12/2011. The information regarding age limit, educational qualification, how to apply, no of vacancies, selection process and other details of IOCL Panipat Refinery Recruitment 2012 is mentioned below…

MPPTCL Recruitment 2012 – Dy. Director, Executive Trainee Vacancies

MPPTCL Recruitment 2012 – Dy. Director, Executive Trainee Vacancies: MP Power Transmission Co. Ltd (MPPTCL) has invited applications for the recruitment of Dy Director & Accounts Officer Vacancies. The eligible candidates can apply in prescribed application format download from the MPPTCL website on or before 22/12/2011. The information regarding age limit, educational qualification, no of posts, selection process and other details of MPPTCL Recruitment 2012 is mentioned below…

New Mangalore Port Trust Recruitment 2012 – Various Vacancies

New Mangalore Port Trust Recruitment 2012 – Various Vacancies: New Mangalore Port Trust has invited applications for the recruitment of Various Vacancies under Special Recruitment Drive for SC, ST, and OBC candidates. The eligible candidates can apply in prescribed application format given in the advertisement on or before 17/01/2012. For more details about age limit, educational qualification, how to apply, no of posts and other details of New Mangalore Port Trust Recruitment 2012 is mentioned below…

NAL Recruitment 2012 – Online Apply for Technical Asst & Officer Vacancies

NAL Recruitment 2012 – Online Apply for Technical Asst & Officer Vacancies: National Aerospace Laboratories (N.A.L.) is a premier research laboratory under the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) has given a recruitment notification for the recruitment of Technical Assistant and Technical Officer Posts. The eligible and dynamic candidates can apply through online application mode on or before 31/12/2011. The information about age limit, educational qualification, no of posts, how to apply, application fee, selection process, and other details of NAL Recruitment 2012 is mentioned below…

UPSC Advt No 23/2011 – 56 Deputy Director Vacancies

UPSC Advt No 23/2011 – 56 Deputy Director Vacancies: Union Public Service Commission – UPSC has issued a recruitment notification for the recruitment of 56 Deputy Director Vacancies. The eligible candidates can apply through online application mode on or before 29/12/2011. The information regarding age limit, educational qualification, how to apply, application fee, and other details of UPSC Recruitment is mentioned below…

SkyeITs India careers 2011

SkyeITs India careers 2011: Skyeits India is a Technology Company which provides high-end solutions and services for the varied across Industries whose enterprisely involved. Skyeits provides the services which controls the cast and productivity to empower businesses. It works for the customers being very closely to understand their specific business needs and solutions.

Nettimes solutions careers 2011

Nettimes solutions careers 2011: A Nettimes solution is a subsidiary of LLC. It is a software development company which specializing in saas time and labor management solutions. It is opening a senior laval Java programme immediately. It’s main aim is to be an Industry leader and it ;s vision is to provide time and labor management solutions for over 10 years. Nettimes employees were highly qualified and energetic. It encourages the team and makes positive challenges to each employee everyday.
Software Developer (Java) (3-6 years) openings at Bangalore:

Avon Global solutions careers 2011

Avon Global solutions careers 2011: Avon solutions have begun as a small entity, its corporate office was located at Chennai. Avon is a fast growing and service oriented company. Its main aim is to produce services with high quality to cutting edge Business and Technology. It blends its services with best of quality standards to ensure satisfied customers. It seeks to enhance its excellence in Service Industry.
Freshers jobs openings at Chennai:

Tagit India careers 2011

Tagit India careers 2011: Tagit inspires the enterprise mobiles for end-t-end customer applications. Tagit have developing the mobile applications successfully for finance, public services, telecommunications, entertainment, health care and transportation industries. Tagit had deployed its mobile applications to the world’s different organizations across Asia, North America and the middle east for market leaders such as Citibank India, Standard Charted Bank, Singapore Airlines, Big Cinemas, DBS Bank and commercial bank of Qatar.

S1 Services careers 2011

S1 Services careers 2011: S1 Corporation delivers integrated financial services on an open platform to leading financial institutions, retailers, and processors. Our solution family spans payments, online banking, and branch banking. More than 3,000 customers use their solutions to process any payment type from any delivery channel to any destination.

U Software systems India careers 2011

U Software systems India careers 2011: U Software systems is a US based U Inc Company which is wholly owned the Indian Subsidiary of Kansas. It was engaged in software development and helping to parent company and their business associates in United States to meet their IT Requirements. U software handles the technologies of .Net, PHP, CAD, Drupal, Multimedia software testing and Research.
.Net Developer (3-6 years) openings at Chennai:

Horizon Softech Careers 2011

Horizon Softech careers 2011: Horizon Softech is a leading provider of Software development and implementing services to various companies. Main part of horizon softech hiring process is depends on campus drives & walk-in interviews. Some times it is also using some job websites to hire talented applicants. We are providing updated information of IT Jobs available in horizon softech.

Oracle India Careers 2011

Oracle India careers 2011: Oracle India Pvt Ltd is providing various software solutions to its clients. It is hiring talented aspirants by conducting campus drives & walk-in interviews. It is also using some job websites to hire talented candidates. We are providing updated information of IT Jobs available in Oracle India Pvt Ltd.

Insolutions Global careers 2011

Insolutions Global careers 2011: Insolutions has a great vision to simplify its payments & enhance business value trough innovative solutions and its mission is to integrate domains, technology & processes. Its services the solutions based on the Traditional Indian values to the Banking Industry. Insolutions provides the single platform to the related functions of card payments. Insolutions incorporates the most advanced technology as per best standards of Industry.

Micro Academy Careers 2011

Micro Academy Careers 2011: Micro Academy is an UK based Company with global leaders in IT infrastructure services and management with presence in 37 countries of the world, and strength of over 60,000 employees.

Vucadd Engineering Services careers 2011

Vucadd Engineering Services careers 2011: VUCADD Engineering Services is a joint venture between Inca Software Services (INCA) & Advani Engineering Corporation US (AEC) to provide CAD & Engineering Services to firm based in India and abroad. Vucadd Engineering is actively looking for and hiring ‘best of breed’ talented software developers from Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai & Kolkata to be a part of its new, fast growing “Social/Mobile Application Development” initiative. Vucadd Engineering Services Pvt Ltd is looking for eligible candidates for the post of PHP Developers for its company to work at Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, and Kolkata.