Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Andhra University B.E./B.Tech 4th Year 2nd Semester Results 2012

Andhra University (AU) Examination Results 20132
Andhra University Result of 4th Year B.E/ B.Tech II Semester 2012

Date of Result Declare is 05-06-2012
AU 4th Year B.E/ B.Tech II Semester Result  2012
Student can check their results at

W68AFGRD (Affiliated College Grading 68 Regnos Results)
W67AUGRD (AU Campus Grading 67 Regnos Results)
W68UGRD (AU Campus Grading 68 Regnos Results)
W69AFGRD (Affiliated College Grading 69 Regnos Results)
W69UGRD (AU Campus Grading 69 Regnos Results)
WEBNMRK (AU & Affiliated College Non Grading New Regulation Results)
WEBOMRK (AU & Affiliated College Non Grading Old Regulation Results)