Wednesday, 20 June 2012

Jobs for Research Staff, IIM Ahmedabad June 2012

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad

Applications are invited for the following posts :

Research Staff

Pay Scale: Rs.25000/-P.M.

Eligibility Conditions:

a) Post-Graduate in any social science discipline, humanities or management with interest in gender studies. b) 25 to 50 years in age c) Excellent written and spoken English, and a working knowledge of Hindi d) competency in PowerPoint, Word and Excel.

How To Apply:
Apply, in confidence, together with your CV and a o ne-page statement of why you wish to take up this position in a cover marked GEDI/RA to: Prof Ajeet N. Mathur Chairperson, GEDI Centre RA-7, New Campus, IIM Ahmedabad 380 015

Location: Ahmedabad
Last Date: 25 July 2012

Details will be available at: