Friday, 1 June 2012

NEIGRIHMS In Shillong, Jobs For Senior Resident & Junior Resident, North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institiute Of Health & Medical Sciences

North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institiute Of Health & Medical Sciences
North Eastern Indira Gandhi Regional Institiute Of Health & Medical Sciences Conducting Walk-In-interview for the following posts :

Senior Resident Doctors (Various Departments) – 40

Qualification : 1)Postgraduate degree or diploma in respective subject recognized by MCI after obtaining a medical qualification included in the Schedule – I & l l of the 3rd Schedule o f Indian Medical Council Act 1956 (pe r sons possessing qualifications included in the part – II of the 3rd schedule should also fulfill the conditions specified in section 13 ( B) of the Act). I. Satisfactory completion of the compulsory internship/housemanship in a recognized hospital. iii) Candidate must be registered with the State Medical Council/Medical Council of India.

Desirable: Candidates having experience in the respective discipline/subject will be preferred.

Pay Scale : Rs.18750 + GP – Rs.6600/- + NPA plus other allowances as admissible under the Central Govt. Rules in identical posts.

Age limit : 33 Years

Junior Resident Doctors (Various Departments) – 29

Qualification : i) Medical qualification included in the Schedule – I & II of the 3rd Schedule of the Indian Medical Council Act 1956 (persons possessing qualifications included in the part – II of the 3rd schedule should also fulfil the conditions specified in section 13 (B) of the Act).(ii) Satisfactory completion of the compulsory internship. (iii) Candidate must b e registered with the Central /State Medical Council.

Pay Scale : Rs.15,600/- + GP – Rs .5,400/ – + NPA pl us othe r allowances as admissible under rules.

Age limit : 30 years

How To Apply: Eligible candidates are requested to present themselves registration at 9:00 am to 10:30 a .m on 14.6.2012

Location: Shillong

Last Date: 14 June 2012

Details will be available at: