Friday, 15 June 2012

Pune University Openings Teaching Associate Vacancy

Jobs Details :- Application are invited for the Posts of Teaching Associate in Pune University.

1-Post Name : Scientists

Qualifications : LL.M. with 55% (5% relaxation for SC/ST candidates).
No. Of Post : 01 Posts.
Age Limit : 33 Years.
Pay Scale : Rs.18000/- PM (Consolidated).

How to Apply : Interested candidates may send their application in the prescribed proforma on or before 25th June, 2012 on the name of The Head, Department of Law, University of Pune, Ganeshkhind Pune-411 007. The cover should superscripted clearly mentioning Application for Teaching Associate. Along with application form a five rupee self addressed envelope should be enclosed with the address of the candidate on the top of the cover. Applications received after the due date cannot be considered. The Department is not responsible for any postal delay. The date and time of the interview will be communicated to the selected candidates.

For More Information