Sunday, 3 June 2012

UPSC Combined Medical Service Exam 2012 Admit Cards | UPSC CMSE Admit Cards/ Hall Tickets 2012

UPSC Combined Medical Service Exam 2012 Admit Cards | UPSC CMSE Admit Cards/ Hall Tickets 2012
Hyderabad: Union Public Service Commission is conducting Combined Medical Service Examination 2012 on 17th June 2012. This exam is to recruit the following posts in various department.
1. Assistant Divisional Medical Officer in Railways: 250 posts
2. Assistant Medical Officer in Ordinance Factories Health Services: 66 posts
3. Junior Scale Posts in Central Health Services: 150 posts
4. Medical Officers in the Municipal Corporation of Delhi: 204 posts
5. General Duty Medical Officer in New Delhi Municipal Council: 32 posts
The Written test for UPSC CMSE will be on 17th June 2012. Candidates who have applied for this exam can download their admit card/ hall ticket 10 days before the exam.
For more details see here: