Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Burdwan University BSC, BCOM Results 2011 Out -www.buruniv.ac.in

Burdwan University http://www.buruniv.ac.in/, West Bengal B.Sc (Bachelor of Science) and B.Com (Bachelor of Commerce) 3rd Year Degree Honours / General (1+1+1 Pattern) Part-II Examination 2011 Result will be published on 14th December, 2011 at 11:00 AM. University of Burdwan BSc / BCom Part - II Hons /
General Exam held on the year of 2011. To get more information about the result, students can visit the University’s official website : http://www.buruniv.ac.in/.

Click Below Link To view Results

1. Result of B.Sc. 3 Year Degree Honours (1+1+1 Pattern) Part-II Examination 2011
2. Result of B.Sc. 3 Year Degree General (1+1+1 Pattern) Part-II Examination 2011
3. Result of B.Com. 3 Year Degree Honours (1+1+1 Pattern) Part-II Examination 2011 
4. Result of B.Com. 3 Year Degree General (1+1+1 Pattern) Part-II Examination 2011