Tuesday, 13 December 2011

Fireman Job Openings in West Bengal – Indian Ordnance Factories

14 Vacancies at Indian Ordnance Factories with pay Rs.5200-20200 for Matric Passed candidates. Apply Before 31st December, 2011
Name of the Government Organization: Indian Ordnance Factories
Applications are invited for filling up the following posts:-

Job Designation: Fireman
Number of Position: 14 (Fourteen)
Scale of Pay: Pay Band-1 Rs.5200-20200 and Grade Pay Rs.1900/-.
Educational Qualification:
1. Matriculation
2. Must have completed basic course on elementary fire-fighting from a recognised Institute.
3. Must be physically fit.
Age Limit: Between 18 and 25 years
How To Apply For Opening:
Candidates fulfilling the aforesaid eligibility criteria may apply to the General Manager,Rifle Factory,Ishapore,West Bengal,Pin-743144 in the prescribed format as given in the advertisement on plain paper of A4 size duly typed within 21 days from the date of advertisement in Employment News/Rozgar Samachar Newspaper.
Last Date To Apply: 31st December,2011
Contact Address: Indian Ordnance Factories, Rifle Factory,Ishapore,West Bengal,Pin-743144
Advertisement Details: Employment News (10-16December) Page 37