Saturday, 16 June 2012

Calcutta University Openings Junior Research Fellow Vacancy

Jobs Details :- Application are invited for the Posts of Junior Research Fellow in Calcutta University.

1-Post Name : Lecturer

Qualifications : Common Essential qualification for JRF/ RA-I: M. Sc. in Chemistry with Inorganic Chemistry special and NET (CSIR/UGC/Lectureship). Additional essential qualification for RA-I: Ph. D. (Sc.) degree along with published papers in journals of international repute. The candidate must have research experience on syntheses of coordination compounds and single crystals, handling single crystal X-ray diffractometer and solution/analyses of single crystal X-ray structures and (iii) magneto chemistry. These experiences must be reflected in the published papers.
Pay Scale : JRF with UGC/CSIR: Rs. 16000/-,JRF with Lectureship: Rs. 12000 /- , SRF: Rs. 18,000 /-, RA-I: Rs. 22000 /-

How to Apply : Walk-in-Interview will be held in the room of the Head of the Department of Chemistry, University of Calcutta, 92 A. P. C. Ray Road, Kolkata 700 009, at 3 p.m. on 22nd June 2012. Candidates willing to appear must bring (i) all original testimonials and (ii) two sets of application (addressing to the Secretary, Faculty Councils for P. G. Studies in Science, Technology & Agriculture) attaching bio-data and attested photocopies of all testimonials. For SRF and RA-I, the candidate must attach copies of papers (maximum five).

For More Information