Saturday, 16 June 2012

CAZRI Openings Technical Officer Vacancy

Jobs Details :- Application are invited for the Posts of Senior Research Fellow, Technical Officer in CAZRI

1-Post Name :Senior Research Fellow

Qualifications : M.Sc. in Meteorology/ Agrometeorology, Agriculture, Computer Applications in Agriculture, Agricultural Statistics/Geoinformatics.
Desirable : Working experience in relevant projects, Remote sensing and computer knowledge.
No. Of Post : 01 Posts.
Age Limit : 35 years for men and 40 years for women
Pay Scale : Rs.16000/- + HRA.

How to Apply : The candidates fulfilling the qualification for the above position are invited to appear for a walk-in-interview to be held at the office of Dr. D.V. Singh, PI & Sr. Scientist, Division-I, Central Arid Zone Research Institute, Light Industrial Area, Jodhpur – 342 003 (Raj.). The candidate should bring the following documents alongwith bio-data on plain paper duly signed and pasted with a recent colour passport size photograph on it.(i)Original certificate of educational qualifications and attested copies (ii) Two testimonials of Character from two responsible gazetted officers (iii) relevant publication (iv) a brief of research work during post graduations (v) No objection certificate from the employer in case of employment elsewhere (vi) Experience certificate in original, if any.Date of walk-in-interview :25.06.2012 at 10.30 AM.

For More Information