Wednesday, 13 June 2012

DERC Jobs, Jobs For Director, Jobs In New Delhi, Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission

Delhi Electricity Regulatory Commission
Applications are invited for the following posts :

Dy. Director (InfoTech)

No. of Positions: 01

Pay Scale: Rs.15600-39100 + Grade Pay Rs.6600/-

Age limit : 56 Years

Eligibility Conditions:
Essential : 1. Graduate degree in Computer Science or related field from a recognised University.2. Officer holding analogous posts on regular basis or with 3 years regular service in the pay scale of Rs.8000-13500 (prerevised) OR with 5 years regular service in the pay scale of Rs.7500-12000 (pre-revised) OR with 8 years regular service in the pay in the pay scale of Rs. 6500-10500 (pre re-revised)

Desirable : Adequate experience of handling computer systems in govt. Department/ PSU or large private organisation including managerial responsibilities.

How To Apply: “APPLY ONLINE”

Location: New Delhi

Last Date: 11 July 2012

Details will be available at: