Wednesday, 13 June 2012

Junior Research Fellow Jobs, BESU Jobs, Jobs In Howrah

Bengal Engineering And Science University
Applications are invited for the following posts :

Junior Research Fellow

No. of Positions: 01

Pay Scale: Rs.12,000/- (basic)+15% HRA=13,800/-P.M.

Eligibility Conditions:
Essential : M.E./M.Tech Degree (Final semester M.E/M.Tech students, who have already submitted their thesis, are also eligible) with specialization in Electronic Devices/VLSI/Nanoscience and Technology or equivalent.

Desirable: 1) NET/GATE Qualified. 2) Experience in the field of microelectronics/ device fabrications/sensors

How To Apply: Dr. Partha Bhattacharyya, Principal Investigator of the Project, Department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering, Bengal Engineering and Science University, Shibpur Howrah – 711103 E-mail:

Location: Howrah

Last Date: 10 July 2012

Details will be available at: