Thursday, 7 June 2012

Federal Bank Probationary Officers and Clerks Recruitment June 2012

Federal Bank
All India
Last Date For Application:- 25 June 2012

Job Description:- Federal Bank, a top Private Sector Bank offers submissions from aspiring, young, talented and active employee’s allotment a legal score card of Common Written Examination (CWE) allotted by IBPS and who are watching for a challenging work environment and progressive career, for the following positions.


Clerk:- Bachelor Degree with least 55% marks for science subjects and least 50% marks for other streams from any recognized college.
Probationary Officer:- Bachelor Degree in any discipline with least 60% marks from any recognized college.
Age Limit:- Not more than 24 – 26 years

Application Fees

For SC/ST/PWD:- Rs. 50/-
For Gen/OBC:- Rs. 200/-
How to apply:- Qualified applicants are advised to apply online between 11.06.2012 and 25.06.2012 (both days inclusive) only through the Bank‟s website after carefully going through the commands checked in this announcement. No other means/mode of submission will be accepted.

For More Details:-