Thursday, 7 June 2012

U.P Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited Openings Assistant Engineer Vacancy

U.P Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited
(An Undertaking of U.P. Government )

Uttar Pradesh


More Details :- U.P Rajya Vidyut Utpadan Nigam Limited invites the application form of Assistant, Engineer Junior Engineer.

1. Assistant Engineer :-

Qualifications : Knowledge of Hindi in Devnagari Script. If the candidate has not passed 10th or equivalent examination in Hindi, he/she has to clear an exam  conducted by the Registrar, Departmental Examination Government of UP within 3 years of  joining.
Age Limit : Minimum 21Years & Maximum 50 Years as on 01-07-2012.
( Including relaxed age of 15 yrs. as per U.P. Govt. Rule)
Package : Rs.15600-39100/- + GP Rs.5400/- Per Month.
Number Of Post :  Only 08 Posts.
2.  Engineer Junior Engineer :-

Qualifications : Knowledge of Hindi in Devnagari Script. If the candidate has not passed High School or equivalent examination in Hindi, he/she has to clear an  exam conducted by the Registrar, Departmental Examination Government of UP within  3 years of joining.
Age Limit : Minimum 18 Years & Maximum 50 Years as on 01-07-2012.
( Including relaxed age of 15 yrs. as per U.P. Govt. Rule)
Package : Rs.9300-34800/- + GP Rs.4200/- Per Month
Number Of Post : Only 23 Posts.
Apprentice : In case of all other requisites being the same candidates having  undergone training under Apprenticeship  Act 1961 in UPPTCL/UPRVUNL/UPJVNL  only will be given preference.

How to Apply : Candidate must have six copies of his recent passport size coloured  photographs before applying for any post. Candidates can fill the application form “ON LINE” .  Incomplete applications, without photo and signature will be rejected. Paste a recent passport size photograph on the downloaded registered application form and put your signature. Keep it in an envelope. No other documents are to be sent at this stage. The envelope should be super scribed with “Application for the post of  _____Post Code_____ . Send it by ordinary post (No other form of Post shall be acceptable) to :-  Advertiser , Post Bag No. 007 , Sriniwas puri Post Office , Sriniwaspuri, New Delhi-110065 . The online registration site would remain open from 12.06.2012 to 02.07.2012.

For More Information